
Subdomains of this domain are available.

The name Spencer Love is uncommon, but phone searches (e.g., 411.com)show that there is more than one of us out there. I have the name, slightly used, from my grandfather; he died rather a long time ago, however, so I don't really use the III. Our middle name is Spencer, but that's the one I use. Legally I have not shed the first initial, but I don't tell bureaucrats what the initial is for, or a large subset of them (at least in New England) will insist on using that name rather than the one I answer to. If telemarketers call looking for that name, I generally know to hang up. My personal site, then, is J.Spencer.Love.Name, or just plain J.Spencer.Love. Those wiil be links presently, but it is a work in progress.

So if you are also a Spencer Love, and would like to host a web site or a redirect to a web site, drop me a line. What's my e-mail address?

Spencer at Love.Name

I use the word at rather than the symbol to make it infinitessimally harder for a web scraper to harvest the address. Spam is a blight upon the network.

The dot-NAME registry registers 3rd-level delegations, of typical form FirstName.LastName.NAME. In order to do that, they have to retain ownership and control of LastName.NAME.

They also register 2nd-level delegations, but if they rent you a 2nd-level delegation, they can't rent anyone else a 3rd-level delegation on that surname; you'd gave to do that yourself, because you'd control that domain and subdomains of it.

The dot-NAME domain registry offers an additional service at a modest annual fee. They forward e-mail based on a 3rd-level delegation. FirstName at LastName.NAME. They don't offer mailboxes or handle outgoing mail (which has become a problem considering the SPAM blight), but they will let the owner specify where the mail is to be delivered, maing the e-mail address portable. If you switch to a new service provider, you just update the forwarding; you don't have to tell everyone your new address. Sort of like Google Voice, I think.

You can't have this e-mail address; I'm using it. I got here first. You could register a similar domain like Spencer456.Love.Name, if you wanted to use that service. I can provide hosting or just redirect web browsers if that's what floats your boat. The possibilities are not infinite, but there is lots of room for creativity.